A Huge Thank You to the Canadian Journal Of Hospital Pharmacy’s 2021 Reviewers
In 2021, 108 individuals with expertise in various areas of pharmacy practice provided feedback on articles submitted for consideration by the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP). In some instances, these pharmacy professionals provided insightful comments on more than one manuscript submission! Without their commitment, the CJHP would not be able to maintain the high quality of articles published in each issue.
The CJHP is a well-established pharmacy journal that has been publishing impactful educational content since 1948. It is where many just starting out in pharmacy and those who have been practicing for years look to have their research published. A small team of pharmacy professionals from across the globe with impressive credentials work diligently to curate each issue of the Journal for You. But without the steadfast dedication of our peer reviewers, we wouldn’t be able to publish the type of content that aims to improve pharmacy practice to provide better patient care.
Join an outstanding group of individuals who continue to work hard to bring you the most relevant, cutting-edge pharmacy practice research. Become a CJHP peer reviewer today! You will find details on how to participate below.
Thank you for your dedication to one of hospital pharmacy’s most prestigious journals!
How to Become a Reviewer
If you already have a CJHP account, you can login here and select the Reviewer box on your profile. You may also update your reviewing interests, so our editors can correctly match you with appropriate submissions.
If you do not already have a CJHP account, you may create one by registering here and follow the same steps outlined above.