Tribute to the Reviewers of the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacy and the CJHP Editorial Board would like to thank the following people for serving as peer reviewers for the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy in 2011. Their assistance has helped us to maintain the high quality of articles published in the Journal.

Shirin Abadi

Margaret L Ackman

Robert Ariano

Michele Babich

Bill Bartle

Pierrick Bedouch

Jim Blackburn

Susan Bowles

Diane Brideau-Laughlin

Cynthia Brocklebank

Shawn Bugden

Lisa D Burry

Andrea Cameron

Roxane R Carr

Richard Cashin

Alice Chan

Jeff Chan

Lingtak-Neander Chan

Judy Chong

Janet Chow

Doson Chua

Celine Corman

Dennis Cote

Sherry Coutts

Karen Dahri

Jane De Lemos

Deonne A Dersch-Mills

Artemis Diamantouros

Betty Dong

Anar Dosa

Douglas Doucette

George Dranitsaris

Linda Dresser

L Lee Dupuis

Jamie Falk

Olavo A Fernandes

Patrick Fitch

Claire Fowkes

Mark Friesen

Susan Fryters

Mike Gaucher

Dorothy George

Alfred Gin

Sean K Gorman

Margaret Gray

Curis K Harder

Ayesha Hassan

Anne Hiltz

K Wayne Hindmarsh

Christine A Hughes

Janice Irvine-Meek

Danica Irwin

Salmaan Kanji

Zahra Kanji

Heather Kertland

Angela Kimsing

Sheri L Koshman

Elaine Lau

Denis Lebel

Jaclyn LeBlanc

Michael Legal

Wendy Leong

Marianna Leung

Julie Levesque

Geoff Lewis

Ann-Marie Liberman

Adrienne J Lindblad

Peter Loewen

Tamara MacDonald

Dan Martinusen

John E McBride

James McCormack

Karen McDermaid

Loran McVittie

Bruce Millin

Debra Moy

Karen O Ng

David Nix

Moussa Oudjhani

Michael J Peeters

Taciana Pereira

Jerrold Perrott

Co Pham

Linda Poloway

Frank Romanelli

Winnie Seto

Ian Sheppard

Yvonne Shevchuk

Dawn Strong

Carmine Stumpo

Simon Tremblay

Sony Tuteja

Lee Vermeulen

Caroline Warnock

Kerry Wilbur

Donna M Woloschuk

Karen Wong

Sharon Yamashita

Daylce Zuk

Rosemary Zvonar

The continuing support that these peer reviewers demonstrate for our publication is greatly appreciated, and we thank them for their time and effort on behalf of the CJHP .

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy , please register online at or contact Colleen Drake, Publications Administrator for CSHP, at 613-736-9733 ext. 228 or

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Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy , VOLUME 65 , NUMBER 1 , January-February 2012