In 2022, a total of 133 individuals with expertise in various areas of pharmacy practice provided feedback on articles submitted for consideration by the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP). In some instances, these pharmacy professionals provided insightful comments on more than one manuscript submission! Without their commitment, the CJHP would not be able to maintain the high quality of articles published in each issue.
Thank you for your dedication to one of hospital pharmacy’s most prestigious journals!
Shirin Abadi
Kim Abbass
Elissa Aeng
Mhd Wasem Alsabbagh
Mayce Al-Sukhni
Mohammed Anaam
Barbara Lynn Angel
Ouida Antle
Zubin Austin
Arden Barry
Duane Bates
Josh Batterink
Marisa Battistella
Andrea Beaman
Chloe Beauchamp-Payment
Emily Black
Ariane Blanc
Jennifer Bolt
Rene Breault
Nicole Bruchet
Vivian Bui
Theresa Charrois
Michael Collins
Jennifer Cooke
Celine Corman
Vincent Dagenais-Beaulé
Karen Mundeep Dahri
Bruce Dalton
Marci Dearing
Deonne Arin Dersch-Mills
Carolyn L Dittmar
Kelly Drummond
Deon Druteika
Zack J Dumont
Tamer Elias
Danielle Famularo
Kayla Fang
Lisa Fernandes
Lyne Gauthier
Patricia Gerber
Alfred Gin
Michell Gnyra
Carolyn Gray
Julianne Greenall
Micheal Guirguis
Henry Halapy
Katelyn Chantelle Halpape
Curtis K Harder
Cheryl Harten
Meagan Hayashi
Jennifer Haymond
Roxanne Hook
Sherilyn K Houle
JIten Jani
Karlee Johnston
Derek Jorgenson
Tiffany Kan
Ekenedilichukwu Kanu
Heather Kertland
Fatima Ladha
Sharan Lail
Christine Landry
Tim Lau
Denis Lebel
David Lee
Michael Legal
Jodie Leung
Marianna Leung
Timothy Leung
Geoffrey Lewis
Andrew Liu
Allison Lively
Anita Lo
Alan Low
Vincent Mabasa
Meghan MacKenzie
Jonathan Mailman
Mark Makowsky
Dan Martinusen
Cheyenne Matinnia
Mira Maximos
Nancy Lee McLaughlin
Durga Meena
Marie-Élaine Métras
Lindsay Meyer-Smith
Andrew Milne
Laura Minard
Katherine Mousseau
Janice Munroe
Jeff Nagge
Lynne Nakashima
Heather Neville
Christine Oikawa
Caitlin Olatunbosun
Thomas Parker
Glen J Pearson
Jerrold Perrott
Irina Rajakumar
Erin Ready
Eric Romeril
Cheryl Ann Sadowski
Aaminah Najmus Sahar
Theresa J Schindel
Barbara Schoen
Todd Semla
Winnie Seto
Badal Shah
Karen Shalansky
Kendra Sih
Alice Silva
Taylor Skinner
Miranda So
Kendra Southwood
Beth Sproule
Sarah Stabler
Alexandra Stefanovic
Alice Tseng
Ricky Turgeon
Linda S Tyler
Régis Vaillancourt
Vincent Vuong
Michael Wan
Erica Wang
Kunkun Wang
Caroline Anne Warnock
Danica Wasney
Alice Watt
Kyle Wilby
Donna Woloschuk
Andrew Wyllie
Erin Yakiwchuk
Stephanie Young
Jian Song Zhou
If you would like to participate in the peer review process for the CJHP, we invite you to visit
Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, VOLUME 76, NUMBER 2, Spring 2023