2006 Recommendations of the Canadian Hypertension Education Program: Sound Bite Version


  • Canadian Hypertension Education Program Canadian Hypertension Education Program





Hypertension remains a significant health problem that is projected to become a greater global burden in the next 20 years. The estimated total number of adults with hypertension was 972 million in 2000: 333 million in economically developed countries and 639 million in less economically developed countries. The number of adults with hypertension is anticipated to increase by about 60% by 2025, to a total of 1.56 billion. Hence, hypertension is an important and growing public health challenge worldwide. Prevention, detection, treatment, and control of this condition should receive high priority. The Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP) has a mandate to improve the management of hypertension, to develop tools to aid health care professionals, and to evaluate the impact of these activities. CHEP continues to provide the most current evidence-based recommendations to Canadian health care workers. This year, 2006, marks the seventh consecutive year that CHEP has updated recommendations for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of hypertension. This year, CHEP’s recommendations focus on adherence to antihypertensive therapy.


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